تحديث نظام إيمال R14 لدى مصرف التنمية الدولي

في إطار جهوده الرامية في التحديث والتطوير، احتفل مصرف التنمية الدولي مؤخرًا بالتحديث الناجح في نظامه المصرفي إيمال R14 بالتعاون مع شركة Path Solution في مكتبها ببيروت. هذا التحديث يُمَكِّن مصرف التنمية الدولي في العراق من تقديم مجموعة أوسع من المنتجات والخدمات المصرفية المصممة خصيصًا لعملائه في جميع أنحاء البلاد. 

وقد ترأس الدكتور زياد خلف هذه المناسبة، والتي سلطت الضوء على التزام البنك الراسخ بالتحديث والاستثمار الكبير في البنية التحتية، مؤكدًا ريادته في القطاع المصرفي العراقي. كما عبّر الدكتور خلف عن امتنانه العميق للفريقين على جهودهما المتميزة.

من جانبه، أشاد السيد محمد الخطيب، رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة Path Solution، بالتزام البنك، معترفًا به كشريك محوري. وجاء تبادل الدروع والشهادات تعبيرًا على التقدير المتبادل واستمرارية التعاون المشترك والتطوير المستمر للخدمات المصرفية.

مقالات أخرى

شركة العرب للدفع الإلكتروني (APS)

بوابة دفع إلكتروني آمنة ورائدة

تتمتع شركة العرب للدفع الإلكتروني بموقع ريادي كونها أول مزود لخدمات الدفع الإلكتروني في العراق، حيث تساهم في تعزيز البنية التحتية المالية للبلاد وربطها بالمعايير الدولية. بفضل بوابة الدفع الآمنة التي نطورها، نيسر عمليات الدفع الإلكتروني بين العملاء، الشركات، والبنوك، مع ضمان أعلى مستويات الأمان والكفاءة.

نقدم حلولًا شاملة لمعالجة المدفوعات تشمل التجار، الحكومات، البنوك، والمؤسسات المختلفة، إضافةً إلى مجموعة متنوعة من خدمات الدفع مثل البطاقات الائتمانية، أجهزة نقاط البيع، الصرافات الآلية، وبوابات الدفع الإلكتروني. من خلال هذه الحلول، نسهم في توسيع نطاق الشمول المالي وزيادة فرص الوصول للخدمات المالية في المجتمع.

تلتزم شركة العرب للدفع الإلكتروني بلعب دور محوري في تعزيز الشمول المالي من خلال توفير طرق دفع متنوعة وآمنة. لضمان الامتثال لأعلى معايير الأمان، نلتزم بمعايير أمن البيانات الخاصة بصناعة بطاقات الدفع (PCI DSS)، والمعتمدة من فيزا، ماستركارد، وأمريكان إكسبريس. كما نتعاون مع شركاء عالميين مرموقين مثل IBM، Oracle، و SAP لضمان تقديم حلول دفع مبتكرة وآمنة. بما يضمن استمرارية الابتكار والأمان في السوق العراقي المتنامي.

Arina Iraq​

Building a Sustainable Future

Arina Iraq draws its strength from a long legacy dating back to the establishment of the Electricity Distribution Company in 1924, which has expanded to include leadership in wind farm development.

At Arina Iraq, we offer innovative solutions for clean energy, relying on our vast experience, technical expertise, and business acumen. as we have been empowering Iraq’s residential and industrial sectors to embrace a sustainable future.

Our integrated solutions include photovoltaic solar systems, wind energy, energy management, efficiency systems, and electric vehicle charging stations. We stand out by delivering projects that meet the highest standards of safety and innovation, with a strong commitment to environmental responsibility.


Leading the Way in Supporting the National Economy

Based in Iraq, Abraj Holding leads efforts in shaping the future of the economy through a diversified investment portfolio spanning real estate, construction, finance, and energy. Through its strategic investments and commitment to excellence, the company actively contributes to the socio-economic development of Iraq, making it a key partner in creating opportunities and fostering prosperity in the region.


Leading Modern Construction Standards

Doma Steel has become a leader in manufacturing insulated metal panels (sandwich panels) in Iraq, the Middle East, and North Africa. Doma Steel’s products are known for their ease of use and high transportability and installation capabilities. We have become the preferred choice for building homes, halls, caravans, cold storage facilities, and more.

Today, Doma Steel is distinguished by offering fire-resistant metal panels that comply with international standards. With advanced production lines, the company’s daily production capacity is 6,000 square meters per shift, and its annual production capacity reaches two million square meters, making it a frontrunner in the industry.


The Marketing Engine of ZK Holding

Established in Baghdad, Pure Diamond serves as the primary marketing arm for ZK Holding. It plays a pivotal role in driving the company’s marketing activities, with a qualified and professional team spread across Iraq’s various provinces. The team works across diverse sectors, including sales, agency management, auditing, and data entry, ensuring the delivery of integrated and specialized services that support the company’s goals.


Trust is the Foundation of Our Growth

Al-Tanmiya Company was founded with a capital of 150 million Iraqi dinars. It has grown to become a key player in providing financial brokerage services for buying and selling securities (stocks and bonds) on the Iraq Stock Exchange. The company operates in accordance with the guidelines set by the Securities Commission.

Al-Tanmiya offers a wide range of services. These include opening trading accounts, depositing stock ownership certificates, and assisting investors in buying and selling stocks and bonds. The company’s comprehensive financial brokerage services strengthen investor confidence and contribute to the growth of the financial market.

Dari Real Estate

Innovative Marketing Solutions in Real Estate

Dari Real Estate offers integrated real estate marketing solutions, alongside property development and investment services. The company boasts a team of highly qualified local and international experts, enabling it to establish a strong presence in Iraq’s real estate market and build a wide network of prestigious clients.

Dari ensures the highest levels of comfort and security in its projects and offers competitively priced real estate solutions of superior quality. Given that real estate marketing is a key element in this sector, Dari focuses on providing innovative solutions that guarantee fast execution and delivery, positioning it at the forefront of leading companies in the field.


Your Journey Starts With Us

Established in Baghdad, Zeyad Al Khair Travel & Tourism is one of the leading Iraqi companies in bookings and ticket issuance. With a professional team of experienced employees, the company excels in offering a wide range of services in the travel and tourism sectors.

The company provides a variety of tourism programs worldwide, as well as organizing both domestic and international trips. Additionally, it offers flexible Hajj and Umrah plans, ensuring a smooth and comfortable travel experience for its clients.


Your Security, Our Growth

Al-Sharq Insurance Company was established as part of a strategy to complement the success led by ZK Holding, providing advanced and comprehensive insurance solutions.


Shaping Opportunities, Expanding Horizons

The International Development Bank (IDB) is a key strategic sector within the ZK Holding portfolio and the largest private bank in Iraq. It is the only bank licensed by the UAE Central Bank, offering a comprehensive range of financial services to citizens, residents, and investors.

The bank focuses on promoting financial inclusion through innovative banking solutions tailored to meet the needs of individuals, SMEs, and large corporations. By combining advanced technology with human relations, IDB achieves the highest levels of efficiency.

With its Dubai branch, IDB aims to strengthen economic relations between Iraq and the UAE, support trade between the two countries, and provide innovative financial solutions to help companies achieve their goals in the region.